Jason Odendaal

Posted on December 2, 2021 by Categories:
  • December 16, 2019
Phone Number
Current Country
South Africa
Date of birth
Job Type
Groom, Yard Manager, Rider, Work Rider, Stable Lad / Lass, Nanny / Au Pair
Type of yard looking to work on
Showjumping, Livery, Riding School, Stud, Other
Relevant qualifications
Own your on horse
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CV Headline

Showjumping Rider / Exercise Rider / Flatwork Rider / Cross Country Rider / Trekking / Tour Guide / Groom

Relevant experience

English Rider
Specialty - Show jumping
(C grade)
-Outrides, Tours and Trekking
-Lunging (Long rein)
-Basic schooling/Breaking in

Stable/Yard Work
-Turning out and Leading back
-Leading on and off the walker
-Mucking out Stables
-Hay and Teff
- Stall Maintenance
-Basic First Aid

-Started riding in 2004 at
Kellow Park Stables,
Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, South Africa. Participated in various summer camps, competitions and equestrian events throughout my stay whilst learning the fundamentals of riding, general stabling, paddock etiquette, equestrian care as well as interning as a stable hand.

-2008 to 2016 transferred to Riverleigh
International Equestrian
Center, Honeydew,
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Received professional lessons in both showjumping and dressage whilst working as an employed stable hand, half bait rider, schooling rider, excercise supervisor, outride supervisor and general yard and stable maintenance. Took part in a wide variety of competitive equestrian events receiving a number of placements and rosettes for show jumping, dressage and endurance.

-Spent the majority of a decade travelling through the UAE (Dubai,Abu Dhabi, Al Ain) and Asia (South Korea, China; Changsha, Xi'An, Hangzhou) performing and riding in a wide variety of yards and equestrian resorts.

-More recently worked at a private competitive showjumping yard in Co Louth, Republic of Ireland.

Additional Notes

I am aware that applying for a position at your equestrian establishment may come with variations in certain procedures, stable etiquette, riding rules, safety regulations and general working conditions that are unique to your operation, and i am more than willing to adapt and learn as much as i can to ensure that i become a productive and knowledgeable part of the team!

Current role - description

Work Rider, Showjumping Trainer, Groom, Yard worker


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