Georgia Campbell
- August 13, 2018
CV Headline
Relevant experience
WORKING FOR HARRY MEADE, International Event Rider November 2017 to present
Duties include:
The daily care and management of up to 22 competition horses ranging from four year olds to 4* eventers
Responsibility for the daily running of the yard when both Harry and his Head Girl are away, which includes sole charge and the management of staff and keeping the yard diary up to date
Liaising with the farrier to organise dates and timing of visits
Responsible for the ridden warm ups and cool downs of all Harry’s horses at home
Responsibility for unsupervised hacking, and the performance of hill and canter work on all horses
Responsibility for monitoring and checking horses wellbeing and detecting changes in their health and reporting those to Harry and his Head Girl
Accompanying Harry and his Head Girl to both national and international events where I am given responsibility for the preparation of the competition horses and attend to their post event needs
Assisting in preparing and packing the lorry for national and international events
Plaiting horses in preparation for events
Sole responsibility for clipping the entire yard throughout the winter months
Responsibility for the administration of all equine treatments pre and post event, gaining extensive experience in using Active Med Rug, Equissage, tens machine, nebuliser and icing
Trusted to remove and apply bandages, change dressings and apply poultices for any horse which has sustained injury
Assist equine practitioners such as Chiropractors/ Physiotherapists in their treatment of horses
Levelling the arena and assisting in yard and field maintenance such as fencing and tractor work including rolling and harrowing
Performing all yard duties
Reporting back to Harry and his Head Girl on any matters related to the yard and the competition horses
Mentoring new staff upon their arrival in all aspects of yard work and horse care
GROOM/STABLE JOCKEY FOR WILL MURRAY, CCI*** Event rider & trainer July 2016 to October 2017
Duties included:
Managed the yard and performed all yard duties in a safe and efficient manner and to the highest of standards
Had sole responsibility for the running of the yard and care of up to 20 horses in employer’s absence for periods of up to two weeks at a time
Responsible for schooling, jumping, lunging, fittening, hacking, and competing event horses
Sole groom at national and international events. Organised and prepared tack, equipment and lorry for competitions, including all passports and medical health checks
Managed yard diary for the booking of the arena, lessons, farriers and other visiting equine practitioners
Monitored feed stock and supplies, prepared orders, and organised feed charts and feeds on a daily basis
High standards of preparation and turnout of competition horses, including plaiting, trimming and clipping
Mentored and trained new members of staff
Gave timely and relevant feedback to Will on any issues pertaining to the yard, the horses, and clients
Effectively liaised with livery clients and owners and praised for creating great rapport and friendly atmosphere
RIDER FOR SUE BLOODWORTH, Owner July 2016 to Oct 2017
Given responsibility for riding, training, fittening, schooling, and competing of Sergeant Mustard from BE90 to BE100
Won Regional Final at Richmond qualifying for Mitsubishi BE100 Motors Cup at Badminton in 2018
Won 3 out of 5 BE90/100 competitions in 2017
Provided assisted livery for clients including turn out, mucking out, feeding and changing rugs
Helped with maintaining the yard, diary management and levelling of the arena/ preparing it for hire
Summer work experience as groom/rider undertaking all aspects of yard work, horse management and care, hacking, schooling and preparation for competitions
EQUINE AND COUNTRY Oct 2016 to present
Retail assistant: assisted in setting up trade stand, serving and dealing with customers at major horse shows
Modelling work: model for photo shoots of equestrian clothing for Equine and Country’s website and Facebook
Lambing Assistant: required to quickly recognise signs of lambing and take action efficiently to maintain lambing percentage.
Responsible for the day to day care of the ewes and their lambs and to pre-empt any illness or problems
Current role - description
My competitive experience is up to CCI* and having proven that I have the talent, ambition, work ethic and resilience to go further, I am now looking for a rider role with support for the next phase of my professional development to successfully train horses and compete up through the levels.