Claire Trafton

Posted on December 2, 2021 by Categories:
  • November 5, 2017
Phone Number
Current Country
United States of America
Date of birth
Job Type
Rider, Instructor, Public Relations, Sales / Marketing
Type of yard looking to work on
Showing, Western
Relevant qualifications
Own your on horse
Do you have any pets
Accommodation required?
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CV Headline

Eager and passionate professional who strives to see a positive end result in all tasks; strong collaboration skills and drive to learn through opportunity; dedicated, honest, and reliable worker with excellent organizational and time management skills.
William Woods University: Fulton, MO
• BS Equestrian Science, BS Business Administration—Marketing Concentration 2014-Present

Relevant experience

Junior Consultant, Entrigue 2017-Present
• Captured content for several social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram
• Contributed articles to Horse Nation and Jumper Nation on equestrian marketing related topics
• Managed social media advertisement campaign
• Established new social media accounts, gaining followers through online presence
• Contributed and edited websites of several client websites, keeping their sites managed and updated
• Designed promotional flyers for client advertising
• Created marketing kits to promote professional riders to obtain sponsorships
Intern, Steve Wolfe Performance Horses: Scottsdale, AZ 2017-Present
• Adjusted and contributed content to the website, updated existing information, added new details
• Posted horses for sale on social media and other sale sites for equine sales
• Managed Facebook account to promote business and inventory for sale
• Created Instagram account, growing followers from 250 to 1,600 in one week
• Maintained and improved sale horses to keep them ready for potential sale
• Took and edited riding videos and photos to present with sale ad
Newsletter Editor, Equestrian Science Department: William Woods University, Fulton, MO 2016-Present
• Designed and formatted bi-monthly 5-page newsletters using Microsoft Publisher
• Collaborated with Equestrian Science Department faculty to ensure an accurate and positive representation of the department
• Edited and wrote 20 articles for content
• Delivered all final products within deadlines decided by the Division Chair
Intern, Geoff Morris Quarter Horses: Platteville, CO Summer 2016
• Trusted by owner and clients to independently work 6 horses at home facility and shows
• Lunged and warmed-up horses at shows, creating increased time efficiency for owner and clients
• Presented horses under saddle in sales videos, promoting training and show ability
Assistant Riding Instructor, Jubilee Horse Co: Evergreen, CO 2013-2014
• Promoted, introduced, and scheduled the program to current and prospective clients
• Instructed western horsemanship techniques to beginner, amateur, and advanced riders, totaling 10 clients


William Woods University Judging Team
• Conducted clinic sections to teach performance horse judging to 175 members of FFA and 4H
• National Champion Collegiate Senior Division at US Arabian Nationals, including three individual titles
William Woods University Western Club
• Executed three on-campus horse shows. Worked as show announcer
• Showed in 10 shows, including Color Breed Congress, earning Champion and Reserve Champion titles

Current role - description

Entrigue Consulting is a full service marketing company for professional riders and equestrian brands. I am a junior consultant with Entrigue. I manage social media accounts, obtain sponsorship for riders, edit websites, create promotional materials, design social media advertisement campaigns, create social media content, and more.

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