1084 Student Groom – Eventing Yard

A student groom wanted in the fabulous BARBADOS on a family run competition and eventing yard with lovely facilities including full cross-country training course, polo field, dressage arena, show jumps and all weather arena.
Usual yard duties to be included. Daily riding will be included which is at least 1 ride a day, possibly 2 or 3 depending on capabilities. They have a couple of horses just being started so experience on bringing on youngsters is a must. An interest in eventing would be a real benefit!
National and FEI competitions hosted on site so education in course design, course building and hosting events would be part of the training. Could also join the Equestrian Federation in Barbados to take advantage of their benefits too.
This is an ASAP start. After successful completion of the internship there is the possibility to stay on in a permanent position.
Hours: 7 - 10:30 then 2 - 6. You’re free to use your break time as you please, the beach and town centre are a 20 mins walk away. Accommodation (2 bed cottage shared with the English Yard Manager) and all bills included. Salary is 960 USD.
For more information, videos of the accommodation, yard etc, and to apply please contact Equine Elite on 01435 504021 or email info@equineeliterecruitment.com.